Dummy Remote Controller for a dummy

Dummy Remote Controller for a dummy

Postby ripchord38 » Fri May 18, 2012 8:17 am

You all may think this to be quite odd.
I am not using any other Remote controller untill I* can master the dummy remote3 controller which I bought from Dynam.
It seems quite apparent that the topics seem to relate to extra remote controllers for other aircraft
or helicopters.
I* am trying to get this dummy remote controller to worki following the instructions that came with it
I8I am under the impression that this software and hardware is quite usless.
If I buy a flight simulator and this one comes with it's own remote controller the instructions do not tell you about the switches what they are for may be it is top secret if it is then don't sell it.
I cannot for the love of money get this usb controller to work at5 allcalibration is next to impossible.
Why did they sell this dummy remote controller if one is using the one that comes with the model acft etc.
May6be someone out there in this fairy dairy land o0f make believe can explain his to me .
As I can't understand a thing about it.
I await to see if I can get some sound advice.
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Joined: Tue May 15, 2012 10:33 am

Re: Dummy Remote Controller for a dummy

Postby Steve Lewin » Fri May 18, 2012 8:33 am

What software are you trying to use the Dynam controller with ? You don't buy FMS and it doesn't come with "it's own remote controller" so I guess you're talking about something else.

What EXACTLY have you tried and what happens ? Just "cannot get it to work" doesn't give us much to work on same as me just telling you "Thousands of people have got it to work without any problem" is probably not really helpful to you.

Steve Lewin
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Re: Dummy Remote Controller for a dummy

Postby ripchord38 » Sat May 26, 2012 11:23 am

I bought this flight simulator from the uk it came with a software disk and a remote controller
which connects to the pc by USB.
The info for installing was as clear as mud .
Very hard to understand, No mention about setting the thing up in Windows game controller as a PPm
I* have done everything I can but the simulator default ACFT takes off rolls left then nose dives
into the ground.
ihave on the left side %ch and Gyro switch and on the right off on mixer switch I have 4 trim sliders.
Now does anyone know what I am talking about I cannot get the remote control to work correctly.
I shall see if any advice is forthcoming.
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Joined: Tue May 15, 2012 10:33 am

Re: Dummy Remote Controller for a dummy

Postby Steve Lewin » Sat May 26, 2012 12:32 pm

Just saying "I have done everything I can" tells me nothing about exactly what you've tried and what happens. Mind reading is not one of my strong suits ;).

I think you're saying you've set it up in Windows (Win 7 /Win XP or what ? )where it shows up as PPM. Right ? Did you also calibrate it in that Windows screen ? Have you set it as the preferred controller ?

In FMS (if that's what you're using) have you calibrated the controller in the Analog Control/Joystick/Mapping-calibration screen ? Do the blue bars move o.k. ? What have you set the channel numbers on the LH side of that screen to (the defaults are almost never correct) ?

Steve Lewin
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Location: N. Staffs, UK

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